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There are many opinions on where to buy property for bugging out. I’ve read many articles with many reasons where and where not to buy.

Consider these things when purchasing, whether you reside full time or as a retreat location:


What is the population density? Study this thoroughly, as you should be as far away from large populations as possible. You will encounter less rioting, looting, etc.

Vicinity of nuclear power plantsBuying Property For Bugging Out

Look for a property at least 100 miles away from and downwind from nuclear power plants.


Accessibility of the property in important; you want minimal vehicle access points as well as mountainous or hilly terrain for look-out visibility.

Buying Property For Bugging OutFriendly Government

The government of the state you decide on will have an impact on your life.

Natural Resources

Your property should have enough room for gardening and livestock, forest to supply firewood, and a source of water.

Natural Disasters

Stay away from areas prone to earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, forest fire, or flooding.

Gun Laws

Especially if you’re planning to live at your retreat, you should be aware of the gun laws in the state you pick. Your survival plan will include self-defense.

Growing Seasons for your Garden

The longer the growing season, the better. Research these thoroughly. Just because you have stored a lot of food, it won’t last forever.

Once you have found and purchased your retreat, you should pre-position the vast majority of your supplies there, if you are choosing not to live there. Also, consider the routes (as you should plan multiple) to the location. Use secondary roads if you are traveling by car as the interstates could be backed up and dangerous to travel.
Most survival experts agree on the best states to live in the event you need to bug out.

Best states to bug-out to:

  • Idaho
  • Montana
  • Oregon
  • Washington
  • Wyoming
  • Utah
  • South Dakota
  • North Dakota
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Nebraska
  • Kansas
  • Texas
  • Nevada
  • New Mexico
  • Arkansas
  • Louisiana

You will find advantages and disadvantages anywhere you pick, so decide what’s most important to your survival and go from there.