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It’s been an exciting week in the Supreme Court. What do the rulings mean to you and me?

Let’s dive in.

Roe vs. Wade – affects many people differently as it’s such a highly debated issue based on one’s personal beliefs. Women’s rights, viability, religious beliefs, etc. I’ll stay away from this one as it really doesn’t affect me. I know that may not go over well with some people, but that’s my feeling.

Let’s move on.

Ruin vs. United States – on doctors prescribing controlled substances outside the usual course of professional practice. I agree with this one. No doctor should prescribe controlled substances just because they can. Our Country has a huge addiction problem that can overflow into an SHTF situation. Imagine for a minute that a national catastrophe occurs, and pharmaceuticals are no longer available. What would the addicts do? Outside of the horrendous withdrawals they will have to endure, these people, who now will steal, cheat and kill for a fix, will come out of the woodwork to find something to ‘ease’ their pain. During an SHTF situation, I don’t want to worry about that on top of other scavengers looking for food and water. You?

Kennedy vs. Bremerton School District – The ruling allows for praying with students if they are willing. Coach Kennedy prayed with his team after a football game in the middle of the field. Worrying the practice infringed on the Establishment Clause, the school board did not renew his contract. The Courts decided that the Establishment Clause does not allow a government body to take a hostile view of religion in considering personal rights under the Free Speech and Free Exercise Clauses, and the School Board acted improperly. This ruling does affect me. I believe anyone of any religion has the right to pray anywhere. We all need to be praying right now.

Biden vs. Texas – I’m from Texas; therefore, I’m not happy with this one. AT ALL. The court remanded this back to the Fifth Circuit, saying the protocols did not violate Section 1224 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. What this means is the Stay in Mexico EO is over. There are thousands at the border waiting to enter. This decision affects every citizen of this Country and me in a negative way. (Me…still fuming).

The following two are, in my opinion, the most important.

***New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen – Can I say YAY to this one? The court held that New York’s proper cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment by preventing law0abidin citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in public for self-defense. I have always loved Justice Thomas. New York needs to keep filing suits. As a scholar, Jonathan Turley says, New York is the pro-gun activist gift that keeps on giving. Every NY gun law brought to the courts only reaffirms our right.

West Virginia vs. EPA – Wow. Wow. Wow. The importance of this decision could be the most monumental by far. Most people are looking at the ruling on Climate Change. I, however, am looking at something different. The court ruled the EPA does not have the authority to impose environmental regulations on companies, as they are, in short, making laws, which is not its job. This opinion, once again, shores up prior decisions referencing the alphabet agencies writing law. The SC shut down mandatory vaccines, and many other agency created policies because they did not have the authority to “make law”. It looks like our congresspeople and senators will have to go to work for a change. How does this affect us? There are many alphabet agencies. Heck, I don’t know how many there are, but the one that I want to draw your attention to is the ATF. Wow, you say? The ATF has been making policies for years, telling us what firearms we can own or what components we can buy. Perhaps, this decision will make them stop and think about implementing any other “policy” that infringes on my right to bear arms.

There were other Supreme Court decisions this term, but these were the ones that got my attention.

What are your thoughts?