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Yes, I’ve spent every spare minute in the past week reading Apocalyptic Fiction.There are many fabulous authors out there today. Some of my favorites are Thomas A. Watson, William R. Forstchen, A. American, J.S. Donovan, Theresa Shaver, Mike Sheridan, Harley Tate, and William H. Weber. What authors do you read?

I won’t lie, I have re-read many of these books…over and over again, and every time, I read something useful that I seemed to have missed before.

The commonality in all of these books was the cause of society falling, an EMP or CME strike.

I think most of us assume that when this happens, (when not if) it will be caused by the sun or an enemy detonating a nuclear weapon in the atmosphere over the United States. It makes the most sense, right? I mean, how else could something like that happen.

Great Book

Well, I came across another series written by Mike Krause, No Sanctuary who put a unique spin on how this could happen. A virus. Not a pathological virus, but a computer virus that causes mayhem on the roads of our great country. Bravo Mr. Kause, brilliant! I, for one, have never thought of anything like this.

I’ve bought books in the past where it was the same thing over and over again. EMP, CME, pathological virus’, terrible writing, etc., etc., etc. Believe me, there were some books I purchased that were humdrum, but with each book I read, I saw a different perspective of how prepared (or unprepared) people are, how people behave towards prepared neighbors and strangers, and how long it will take before society falls apart. The one thing consistent is the way our Government will respond. It’s not comforting.

Am I the only person so obsessed with this genre? What are your reading and what have you learned from them? Do you think they are far fetched or closer to reality?