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HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2022. Now that we are into week two of the new year, I wanted to drop a line to see how everyone is fairing out there in our, what I would call, near dystopian world.

The past couple of years has been trying at best for everyone. With *Big C* hanging around and changing frequently, I look Happy New Yesaround and see the world going mad. (Do you remember when the (Big C meant Cancer?)

I look at the news (which isn’t often) and see massive lines of perfectly healthy people waiting in lines for hours to see if they’re sick; I feel like we’re living in an alternate universe. It’s insanity.

A couple of weeks ago, a man who lives on our property and helps my disabled husband was diagnosed with *C*. I will admit, it was a nerve-wracking time for us. My husband has many underlying medical problems that the original and second variants would have been nasty for him. Fortunately, we both tested and were negative. I did have cold symptoms but did not contract the virus. Testing negative was a blessing.

I’m not worried about myself. I’m pretty healthy, but it’s a crapshoot for my husband.

I have been away from this blog and FaceBook for about a year. The fascist regime got to me in a way that wasn’t positive; however, I’m back. I’ve decided I have a lot to say and a lot to share with others who may find themselves frightened by the state of our country.

And I’d like to hear back from you. Life is different, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.

We are all like-minded people, or you wouldn’t have liked my FaceBook page and shown interest in what is going on in my mind and my opinions.

Let’s make sure we stay in touch. If you don’t want to post publically on my website or FB page, feel free to DM me with whatever is on your mind.

Do you see food shortages?

Another thing I would like to discuss today is the ongoing fear of food shortages. These are the things I’ve noticed in the past six months in my area of Texas.

  • The shelves at our stores are not empty. Sure, they don’t seem as crammed full as they used to, but I can always find what I need.
  • I haven’t seen any panic buying since the *Great Toilet Paper Shortage*
  • I’d say that the one thing I’ve noticed gets bought out the quickest is vitamins. I’ve had to start buying my vitamins online. It seems every time I run out of something, like Zinc, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D3, I’m unable to find it locally. (BTW, those are my go-to vitamins for prevention)
  • Meat. OMG, the price of meat is outrageous. My husband and I decided to go to a local farm and purchase half of a cow and a pig, slaughtered and packaged. It’s half the price of buying at the grocery store.
  • I usually can my vegetables from my garden, so I haven’t noticed the prices of canned goods at the grocery store. Perhaps you can tell me in the comments what you’ve been seeing.

2022 will be a game-changer for many people, my family, and me. I’ve done some soul searching, wondering what I want to do with my life and career, and my big news today: I’m writing a book.

Will it be good? Who knows, but what the hell. I’m going to put myself out there, and hopefully, some of you good people will buy it and give me an honest opinion on it. My goal is to have it out by the end of the summer, so wish me luck.

Let me know what your most significant challenges have been during the past year and what steps you’re taking in the future to overcome those challenges.

I can’t wait to hear from yall.

