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This question, “Is our society going to hell?” seems to be prevalent these days.

I remember when I was young, my parents did everything they could to instill good morals and integrity into all of us. We were a large family, and my parents had a huge responsibility to bring up children who could later be assets to society.

I may be biased, but I think they did a pretty good damn job. We are all self-sufficient, hold jobs or own our own businesses, and we don’t expect anything from anyone. We know our outcomes depend on taking positive action and if something bad happens, we first look at ourselves to determine what we could have done differently to get a different outcome.

I have been observing, like many of our generation, the behaviors of the kids these days. When I say kids, I mean all of these liberal snowflakes who require “safe places” everywhere they go. I mean it would be a shame if someone’s feeling got hurt. To be honest, it’s disgusting.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe people should be hurtful to each other, but hey, grow up, will ya! Life isn’t fair, and it’s not always nice. These kids must come to the realization that they are responsible for their own feelings. I can say hurtful words, but I can’t make you hurt with those words. It’s how you internalize them. Your feelings are yours. OWN THEM!

This is my piece of advice to all of the young, fragile people out there. Take personal responsibility for yourself. It’s not my job to keep your feeling from getting hurt. Oh, and by the way, you going out there causing riots and mayhem with your so called “protests,” is childish. Perhaps you should follow the golden rule…”Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you.” I would bet you everything I own that if someone treated you with that kind of blatant disrespect, you would run to your “safe place” with your puppies and play duh.

If the mindsets of these young people do not start changing soon, society as we know it will go to hell.

Just my thoughts!