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There’s a lot of panic and talk in some prepper communities about whether or not Iran will bring it’s fighting to U.S. soil. This question leads me to ask myself. Should we be prepping at home?

Face it, anything’s possible.

We’ve speculated for years about Islamic terrorists having sleeper cells embedded in our great country. I, for one, believe they do.

Let’s face some facts.

According to the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism – Comparing Failed, Foiled, Completed and Successful Terrorist Attacks, their Primary Foundings are:

“Since the February 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, there have been 121 jihadist-linked plots to use violence against the American homeland. Only 15 of these plots were completely successful, with an additional seven that were partially successful and partially foiled, one that was partially successful and partially failed, and two that contained elements of success, with further aspects of the attack that were both failed and foiled…” That’s only through 2017.

So, do I believe there are sleeper cells here? Yes, I do.

Do I believe they can appear to be ‘lone wolf’ attackers associated with ISIS or another terrorist organization? Yes, I do. Here are a few attacks beginning with 9/11.

  • September 11, 2001 – 19 al Queda members hijacked U.S. passenger planes. They flew into the Twin Towers, The Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania (the theory is the destination of this plane was the White House or Camp David). SLEEPER CELL!
  • November 9, 2009 – Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army Major and psychiatrist, killed 13 people and injured another 30 at Fort Hood, Texas. Although it was labeled ‘workplace violence,’ we know what it was. SLEEPER CELL!
  • April 15, 2013 – Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev set exploding bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. SLEEPER CELL!
  • July 1, 2015 – Mohammad Abdulazeez attacked a Navy Reserve facility in Chattanooga, Tennessee. SLEEPER CELL!
  • December 2, 2015 – Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik opened fire at Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, CA. SLEEPER CELL!
  • June 12, 2016 – Omar Mateen killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando. SLEEPER CELL!
  • October 31, 2017 – Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov rented a pickup truck and drove down a busy bicycle path near the World Trade Center, killing eight and injuring numerous others. SLEEPER CELL!

I’m not writing this to instill fear into you, but to stress situational awareness and preparedness.


Situational Awareness

Be aware of what is happening around you. If we are in the same mindset, political correctness isn’t a huge consideration, so if you see something that doesn’t look right or even feel right, bring it to someone’s attention. It could save your life or the lives of many. Be more observant. I recently read a book by Patrick Van Horne and Jason Riley, “Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life,” which I highly recommend. Read it and learn!


Preparedness is a necessity. There are many ways to prepare, and whether it’s a terrorist attack, economic free fall, natural disaster, or you become unemployed, the basics are the same.

  • Water – The best information I’ve found on how to store and purify water is in Daisy Luther‘s book, “The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource.”
  • Food – I don’t need to go into how much food you need, or how to preserve and store it. There is enough information floating around the internet to help you with that. I, personally, have about two years worth of food storage that I continuously rotate. Learn about gardening. Learn how to can, preserve meat, or raise animals if you have the land.
  • Shelter – Are you secure where you are? Do you have a plan to get to another safe location if you have to leave? Can you support yourself on the property you are on now? Can you build your own shelter?

These are your basics!

Now, here are the details.

  • Protection – Do you have guns and ammo? If you don’t, I’m not suggesting that you arm up like Rambo, but you need personal protection. Get something, anything. If you do, perhaps a few more rounds of ammo would do you some good. Remember, at some point in time, you may not have the ability to get to a store to stock up, and the manufacturers will no longer be manufacturing. Find alternative weapons. Get creative.
  • Skills – What skill do you have that could benefit you or a group you’ve joined? Is it a skill you could trade? Are you a gardener, do you have medical or veterinarian experience, maybe you are a hobbyist blacksmith or knife maker. You may be a great carpenter or, better yet, a great marksman who could help with defense. Skills are endless in a time of a societal collapse.
  • Fitness – Are you physically fit? I must admit, I’m not as fit as I should be and that is something that needs to change. You don’t have to join a gym. Walk more, then add a weighted backpack and walk some more. Do more manual labor. Strengthen your body. Stretch! One day you may find yourself on foot and you will thank me for this little bit of advice.

I consider myself an “Optimistic pessimist.” I tend to hope for the best and prepare for the worse. Those of us who prepare, don’t live in fear we just live prepared.

Keep your eyes and ears open. Find great news sources that are NOT mainstream media, someone you can trust. Research everything you read or hear. Practice critical thinking. Not everything is as it seems.