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As our country moves past our nasty, controversial Presidential Election, let’s look at a few facts.

By all appearances, Clinton has won the “national” popular vote. But let’s look at the map, by county.

2016 Electoral Map by County

After researching each state’s popular vote, Trump did indeed win the popular vote in every state he won the electoral vote.

(As a side note, Clinton appears to have won the popular vote, but there are others who are saying that approximately 3 million votes were cast by non-citizens. That remains to be seen and I assume will be played out in court.)

According to the US Census Bureau, large cities account for 62.7% of the US population but comprises only 3.5% of land area. This means that only 3.5% of the United States has the popular vote. Where is the fairness if we were to eliminate the electoral college. Would 96.5% of the United States as a whole be unrepresented?

We all know that the large cities in our country are predominately Democratic, therefore if we used the popular vote in our elections a majority of the United State’s voters would be disenfranchised.

Federalist Papers

There’s a lot of controversy surrounding the Federalist Papers and exactly what Hamilton was implying. I’ll admit, it appears that he does leave it up to each state’s electors whether to they will vote their conscience or their state’s will, but I can only pray they vote according to the popular vote in their state.

Double Standards

What gets me is that people address the Federalist Papers only when they’re used to their benefit.

I don’t see these same people looking at the Federalist Papers when it comes to our Second Amendment. Take a look at that one. If a constitutionalist addresses the Federalist Papers about the Second Amendment, the argument is, “that’s not the constitution, only someone’s opinion.”

So make a decision. Are the Federalist Papers a consideration or not. If so, you must address them on “all” issues, not just the issues that suit your feelings at the moment.

December 19, 2016

The date of the official electoral count and it can’t come soon enough for me. I’m tired of the rhetoric and seeing life-long friends as well as families splitting because of this election. Our MSM has played this nation like a Stradivarius, and it’s sickening.

It’s time to move on and all of you out there who are having mental breakdowns over this election to get your shit together and pull up your big girl panties (or big boy briefs) and grow up. It’s an election for God’s sake. We have withstood eight long years of Obama and his cartel; surely we can face four to eight years of Trump.

Rant over!