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My thoughts. Never in my 50+ years in this country did I imagine our government running wild to the extent it has. Yes, our government’s not perfect. It has never been perfect. But what I see going on now breaks my heart. I try not to watch the news. Instead, I...
What Do the Rulings Mean for You?

What Do the Rulings Mean for You?

  It’s been an exciting week in the Supreme Court. What do the rulings mean to you and me? Let’s dive in. Roe vs. Wade – affects many people differently as it’s such a highly debated issue based on one’s personal beliefs....


HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2022. Now that we are into week two of the new year, I wanted to drop a line to see how everyone is fairing out there in our, what I would call, near dystopian world. The past couple of years has been trying at best for everyone. With *Big C* hanging...
How To Ruin Your Career Instantaneously

How To Ruin Your Career Instantaneously

If you are wondering how to ruin your career instantaneously, just take a look at the news of the past week. Kathy Griffin – Ex-Comedian, Disgrace to the Female Gender, ISIS Impersonator Should I say more? I will anyway. I admit I’ve never been a fan of...
Is The Sky Falling? WannaCry is here!

Is The Sky Falling? WannaCry is here!

WannaCry Ransomware has hit the world. I know some peeps out there were arrogant enough to believe that the U.S. wouldn’t be affected by this super-bug, but YES….it’s here too. Now, we had a bit of a head start on protecting our systems due to the...
Our Nasty, Controversial Presidential Election

Our Nasty, Controversial Presidential Election

As our country moves past our nasty, controversial Presidential Election, let’s look at a few facts. By all appearances, Clinton has won the “national” popular vote. But let’s look at the map, by county. After researching each state’s...