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Building a survival shelter while stranded in the wild doesn’t have to the daunting experience portrayed on the survival shows.

All it takes is practice with various types of natural materials. But before we get into that, let’s talk about location.

Where to Build

Considerations to make before building your shelter are ground topography. Don’t build in low spots that can accumulate water. Consider how close your building materials are to your site. You could waste needed time and energy carting the materials to your site. Also, avoid building your shelter where loose rocks or boulders can roll onto the shelter or any dead trees may fall.

When to Build

Give yourself enough time before dark to build your shelter. I suggest two to four hours, depending on your experience.

How to Build

Depending on how long you intend to stay at your location will determine which type of shelter to build. There are many types of shelters you can construct to get you through the night or even a week if needed.