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Is The Sky Falling? WannaCry is here!

Is The Sky Falling? WannaCry is here!

WannaCry Ransomware has hit the world. I know some peeps out there were arrogant enough to believe that the U.S. wouldn’t be affected by this super-bug, but YES….it’s here too. Now, we had a bit of a head start on protecting our systems due to the...
Our Nasty, Controversial Presidential Election

Our Nasty, Controversial Presidential Election

As our country moves past our nasty, controversial Presidential Election, let’s look at a few facts. By all appearances, Clinton has won the “national” popular vote. But let’s look at the map, by county. After researching each state’s...
Whew…I Don’t Need to Bury My Guns

Whew…I Don’t Need to Bury My Guns

I won’t lie. I was very nervous about the outcome of this election. I had just had a conversation with my husband about what to do with our guns and ammo if Hillary won. Now, I can breathe. Our Supreme Court will be in the right place. Our Second Amendment will...
My Thoughts On The Presidential Election

My Thoughts On The Presidential Election

I’ve been sitting back this election season watching Facebook and Twitter and wondering just what in the hell is going on with the people in this great nation? So here are my thoughts on the presidential election. I’ve seen lifelong friends no long...
Where To Buy Property For Bugging Out

Where To Buy Property For Bugging Out

There are many opinions on where to buy property for bugging out. I’ve read many articles with many reasons where and where not to buy. Consider these things when purchasing, whether you reside full time or as a retreat location: Geographical What is the...